What is the M5 Toll Cash back Scheme and how can you claim it?

m5 toll cash back 

How much do you pay for tolls every week? Do you use roads like the m5? If you do you are about to save a hundreds annually because of a new government cash back scheme.

Shop for Cars has put together a complete guide on the M5 Toll Cash back Scheme, NSW Roads Toll Reliefs, how you can claim the m5 toll relief scheme and more.

Let’s get into it!

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What is the M5 Toll Cash back and Toll Relief Scheme?

Starting on January 1st 2024, drivers in NSW will experience a welcome respite from toll expenses. The M5 Toll Cash back and the brand new Toll Relief scheme are two incentives introduced by the NSW Government designed to limit motorists who not only the M5 East through Sydney’s south-west and the M8 tunnels but all NSW roads. With this new incentive drivers can receive a government cash back for up to a third of their trip or a $60 weekly toll cap.

This new toll cap is strategically aimed at offering relief to residents in Sydney's west, where the majority of toll roads are concentrated.

NSW Roads Minister John Graham, has estimated more than 700,000 drivers are to benefit from the $60 toll cap scheme and M5 Toll Cash back, providing much-needed financial relief at a time where cost of living has never been higher.

The commitment to toll relief is further underscored by the 2023-24 NSW budget, which allocates a substantial $561 million over two years to the toll cap initiative. This not only demonstrates the government's commitment to easing the financial strain on motorists but also signals a proactive approach in addressing the toll-related concerns of the community.

What are the differences between Toll Relief vs. M5 Cash back Scheme?

While the toll relief program offers substantial benefits, it's essential to understand the key differences between toll relief and the existing M5 cash back program. Motorists from Sydney's south-west must choose between these two schemes, as they cannot simultaneously claim benefits from both.

The M5 cash back program allows NSW residents to reclaim tolls paid while traveling on the M5 southwestern motorway. On the other hand, the toll relief system, allows drivers a $60 toll cap on NSW toll roads.

Who is eligible for the M5 Cash back Scheme? 

To take advantage of the M5 toll relief program, drivers must meet specific criteria:

  • Expenditure Requirement: A minimum of $1,300 must be spent on NSW toll roads in a financial year, roughly translating to $25 or more per week.
  • Tag Usage: The $1,300 expenditure must be made using one or more tags while driving a NSW privately registered vehicle (heavy vehicles and non-private registrations are excluded).
  • Toll Account: Drivers must have a NSW toll account, such as an E-Toll account.
  • Number Plate Registration: The vehicle's number plate must be linked to the toll account.

It's important to note that combining multiple tag/tagless accounts to meet the $1,300 threshold is not allowed.

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What Toll Roads are eligible for the $60 per week toll Relief?

The eligible toll roads include:

  • M5 (unless you are claiming M5 cash back)
  • Westlink M7
  • Hills M2
  • Sydney Harbour Bridge
  • Sydney Harbour Tunnel
  • Lane Cove Tunnel
  • WestConnex
  • Eastern Distributor
  • Cross City Tunnel
  • Military Road E-Ramp

Things you need to consider about the M5 Toll Cashback Scheme

  • CTP Green Slip Requirement: The toll relief entitlement applies only to 12-month vehicle registration, and drivers must purchase a 12-month CTP green slip to qualify for free registration.
  • Exclusions: The free registration does not cover personal license plate fees or CTP Green Slip charges.
  • Employer Payments: Toll relief will not apply if your employer covers your toll expenses.
  • Opting Out of M5 Cash back: Drivers wishing to opt out of the M5 cash back scheme need to contact their toll provider (e.g., E-Toll). Opting out should be done before any trips are counted towards the toll relief scheme, as backdating is not possible.

For more detailed information and to initiate the toll relief process, visit the Service NSW site.

Final Word,

The toll relief initiative in NSW marks a significant step towards making transportation more affordable for both heavy vehicle drivers and regular motorists. With a substantial budget allocation and a clear set of eligibility criteria, the toll relief program is poised to benefit a large number of motorists in Sydney and beyond.

DISCLAIMER: The above information has been taken from the NSW Government Website. Shop for Cars assumes no responsibility for changes to the costs above. Please refer directly to the government website for the most updated toll relief costs.

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